These are just a few of the Frequently Asked Questions.

Is it open source?

The WordPress Dating Plugin is 100% Open Source. There are NO encrypted files!

What are the requirements?

The WordPress Dating Plugin works with the latest version of WordPress.

Is it a one time fee?

When you buy the WordPress Dating Plugin, you pay just once. There are no monthly fees or extra charges.

Do you offer free support?

Every customer gets free support for as long as you are a customer.

Do you offer free upgrades?

The Dating Plugin comes with free upgrades for as long as you are a customer.

Is it customizable?

Yes, you can modify the dating plugin profile questions to fit your niche (Market). You can edit, add, delete profile questions in the admin area. You can setup text box, multiple choice and single choice questions. You can customize the whole thing.

Can I disable some features?

Yes, you can turn features off that you don’t want to use.

Is it responsive?

Yes, the WordPress Dating Plugin is 100% Responsive.

Can I make any language default language?

The Dating Plugin lets you pick the default language for your dating site. If you choose German as your default language then your visitors will be presented with German as the default language. You can also add additional languages via the admin area.